Summer is Once AGAIN Upon US!
Early indicators in May show that it may be a hotter than normal summer for 2024.
With it comes the increased temperatures and humidity that add risks to your employees working outside in the environment.
The heat and humidity can create added risks for your employees when they work outside. Heat-related illnesses are an ever-increasing problem in the summer months – especially if your employees are required to wear added personal protective equipment and clothing. These required pieces of equipment can add to the effects of heat stress. Typical reflective and high visibility clothing adds extra layers which retain heat and restrict the skin’s ability to cool itself adequately with the normal sweat production.
Many companies are now offering PPE that incorporates supplemental cooling technology that we have discussed in an earlier blog post –
However, the basics for summer working practices for employees have not changed.

Stay Hydrated
Make sure that employees drink plenty of water and have a convenient source of cool clean water.
Discourage employees from drinking caffeinated soft drinks or especially “energy” drinks as the increased levels of caffeine and other ingredients can cause the water to pass through the body faster and actually increase thirst. Pure cool water is always the best for rehydration.

Develop a Work/Rest Schedule
Workers will need to take breaks at regular intervals, especially during the hottest part of the day.
At times, supervisors will need to make sure that employees do not develop a habit of working through their regular breaks. Heat stress on the body is cumulative – so adequate rest, hydration, and cooling times are required to prevent heat-related illnesses.
If possible, a cooled area is preferable for employee breaks. At least a shaded area with a place to sit and rest with either a breeze or fans are necessary. During these breaks – a source of hydration should be available.

Utilize Sunscreen and Proper Clothing
Sunscreen with a minimum SPF rating of 50 or higher should be available for employees to wear on exposed parts of the body – especially the face.
Sunburn increases the rate of dehydration as the body’s water is being utilized to try to lower the temperature of the sunburned skin. Should the sunburned skin form blisters, it can be critical for the employee to be removed from the work area.
If PPE is worn such as high visibility reflective vests are worn, make sure they are lightweight and breathable fabric. Modern high visibility clothing is now available with enhanced cooling capabilities through the design of the fabric or by use of water or frozen components to aid in cooling.
Stay Alert
Supervisors as well as fellow employees need to remain aware of the actions and behaviors of fellow employees. Heat exhaustion can be difficult to recognize in yourself. However, employees can be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms in others.
Additional helpful links to learn more about Avoiding Heat Stress and Illness: